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School Opening

Dear parent,

I hope you had a good weekend. 

This is just a quick email to remind you that school is open as normal on Friday 24th November. This date was originally intended as a staff development day, and was included on the holiday cards given out at the end of last school year. 

However, we changed this date to later in the year (Tuesday 7th May 2024). This was communicated to parents but it was some time ago, so I thought I'd send a reminder just to be on the safe side. 

You may have also heard in the media that the five main teaching unions have once again instructed their members to engage in strike action, starting with a half day of strike action on Wednesday 29th November. Teaching staff have yet to meet to discuss, so no definite arrangements are available at this stage. However, as soon as it is clear what the arrangements will be for that day, they will be communicated to you. 

With kind regards 

D Corbett 
